FR Real Talk Recap| *Checking In* 2

Posted by Michelle Luckett on

For this *Checking In* episode we went over our previous 4 FR Real Talk episodes for the Fly Babes who might have missed them. Here’s a quick recap:

  • Being Uncomfortable- & how we can practice being uncomfortable in order to get over the fear of BEING UNCOMFORTABLE. Because with practice we will see that most things aren’t actually that scary and once we get over the fear we can go ahead and get done with the task quicker.
  • The Lil’ Things Matter- Sometimes the smallest of gestures can make a big impact on our lives. For example, getting back into hobbies we might have let go or simply putting on a little makeup every day to boost our moods. The little changes we make essentially pile up and create BIG change.
  • Learning Lessons- A lot of us are repeating cycles and most of the time we are blind to the root problem of why. Brainstorming is a great way to get us thinking about the other times we might have experienced this cycle thus making us realize what the ROOT problem of it all is. Once we get to the root, we can tackle the issue and create a change that BREAKS THE CYCLE. 
  • Being Inspired- We’ve all heard that motivation comes and goes but DISCIPLINE is what will bring you results. Well, there’s no better way to stay on track then knowing HOW to inspire yourself! Create vision boards, playlists, or write yourself love letters when you are in a good mood to help you stay consistent in your journey. You got to be able to inspire YOURSELF. 

We did not have anyone share, vent, or ask for advice on this episode but that is to be expected. Our *Checking In* episodes are new, and we hope to continue bringing them back every month as our community day. A day to share within the Kaleidoscope of Fly Babes (aka our community) our experiences because “One Fly Babes testimony is another Fly Babes roadmap”. I hope you join in our next *Checking In* because you are not alone.

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